Serving the Needs of Rural Health Leaders

NRHA Services Corporation offers many resources including a Rural Knowledge Library and a talented roster of skilled support experts that provide effective and affordable solutions to meet your goals. We meticulously screen all applicants to ensure our Partners are rural successful and meet our standards for quality, affordability, and ethics. We take this responsibility seriously. Both of our reputations depend on it.

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Support from the Top

Unlike many urban counterparts, rural healthcare providers and patients are more likely to encounter economic challenges, social and cultural differences, lack of legislative representation and isolation from living in remote areas.

As the nation’s leading rural health advocate, NRHA actively supports rural health policy and legislation through initiatives including NRHA’s Government Affairs Office in Washington D.C., the Annual Rural Health Policy Institute and ongoing grassroots campaigns.

These efforts have allowed NRHA to have a hand in:

  • Increasing funding for the National Health Service Corps, an agency that places healthcare workers in underserved areas in exchange for tuition assistance during training.
  • Establishing the annual Rural Health Policy Institute, a forum for members to learn the policy process, the nuances of issues and communicate their concerns as part of an organized effort.
  • Helping to establish the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy to monitor and impact rural health issues nationally.
  • Creating the FLEX program in 1997, with the help of the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH).
  • Introducing legislation to boost physician and hospital Medicare payments in rural America and continuing to actively urge Congress to provide equal Medicare payments for the same services to rural providers and facilities.
  • Working with appropriations staff to secure a $4 million increase for State Offices of Rural Health, a $3.4 million increase in funding for rural health research and $15 million for the Rural Hospital Improvement Program in 2001.
  • Forming the National Advisory Committee on Rural Health, serving the important purpose of keeping the Secretary of HHS updated on rural issues and policy recommendations.
  • Working with the American Hospital Association (AHA) to develop the new Rural Community Hospital Assistance Act Proposal in 2001.

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